Accounting Software Source Code C

Accounting Software Source Code C Average ratng: 7,1/10 9144 votes

Mission aims to prevent small and mid-size businesses from getting locked-in by their accounting software vendor by providing free and open source, integrating invoicing, order processing, quotations and more (). LedgerSMB aims to provide a strong (accounting) basis to build your business on.

Double-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface. Ledger plaintext-accounting accounting command-line-tool. C++ Updated Mar 5, 2019. This repository contains the source code for the database schema for the.

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Features • Sales (Invoices, Orders, Quotations) • Receivables & Payables • General ledger • Inventory management • Fixed asset accounting & depreciation • Profit & cost centers, departments, projects • Output documents in PDF, HTML, CSV, Office formats • Mail documents (e.g. Invoices) from within the application • Translatable to your language (comes with 45 languages) • The fact that LedgerSMB is - meaning that the source code is freely available - makes it even more customizable and flexible. Use-cases By industry While LedgerSMB will generally work in any industry for its basic accounting functionalities, it is known to have been deployed in the following types of businesses: • Communications e.g.

VOIP services • Factoring i.e. Invoicing of others • (IT) Services e.g. Website design, IT Support, hourly services • Rental e.g. Housing rental, IT Hosting • Retail e.g. Sewing necessities • Trade e.g. Trading pet foods Many of these applications include integration with domain-specific applications to perform specific business functions. Next to the ones listed above, various manufacturing setups have been deployed, ranging from standard (batch based) mass production, to make-to-order one-time product configurations.

The latter being supported by a custom developed product configuration plugin. By country Although the nature of open source projects makes it hard to know where our software is being used; however, the project is aware of installations in the US, Canada, EU (Netherlands, Hungary, Estonia, United Kingdom), Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia and Colombia. The software can run in a different language for each user. Also: documents (invoices, orders, etc) can be produced in selectable languages, different from the user's language. Contributions The project welcomes any and all contributions. With lots of areas which would benefit from more attention, we like to invite newcomers to read our and start out simple. Good (and helpful!) starting points are as well as reviewing our (beginners) documentation.

Current versions Our current stable version is - initially released on Jun 10, 2018. A lot of development effort has been spent code clean-up, working toward more robust and maintainable code. The main user-visible changes come in the areas of installation/administration and inventory management. A full summary of the changes since 1.5 can be found in the. Additional notes on this release can be found in the. This release will see its End-Of-Life for community support at Jun 10, 2021.

Our current old-stable version is - initially released on Dec 23, 2016. This version builds on 1.4's move to use the Dojo toolkit to offer a much more modern (and faster!) user interface. A lot of development effort also has been spent toward Quality Assurance and automation of the release process. A full summary of the changes since 1.4 can be found in the.

This release will see its End-Of-Life for community support at Dec 23, 2019. Pre-release version The latest prerelease version is. There are also available.

Accounting Software Source Code C

See our for the general direction of development and the for features ready to be released in the next release. Older versions Version 1.4 has been declared End-Of-Life on 2017, Sep 15th. With 42 patch releases, we consider this version highly stable. Version 1.3 has been declared End-Of-Life on 2015, Dec 23rd. With a total of 48 patch releases since the initial release in October 2011, we consider this version highly stable. Although their use is highly discouraged for both security reasons and data stability issues, older versions are still available for.