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Grundig satellit 750 problems. Program segitiga_pascal_kombinasi; uses wincrt; var a,b,c,n:integer; function fkom(n:integer; m:integer): real; var x,y,z,i: integer; begin x:=1; y:=1; z:=1; for i:=1 to n do x:=x*i; for i:=1 to m do y:=y*i; for i:=1 to (n-m) do z:=z*i; fkom:=x/(y*z); end; begin write('masukkan nilai n = '); readln(n); if n>=0 then for a:=0 to n do begin for b:=n downto a do write('*'); begin for c:=0 to a do write(fkom(a,c):3:0); writeln; end; end; end. Program susunan; uses wincrt; var x:array[1.100] of real; i,n:integer; begin write('Masukkan n banyaknya angka = ');readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin write(i,' = ');readln(x[i]); end; write ('panggil data ke = ');readln (i); write (x[i]); end.
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