Ehe Pen Cam Software

This is the english manual of this. 1, Introduction Thanks for purchasing this ink pen canera, Which is the first INK PEN CAMERA with full HD Resolution. It is not only with Recording F ull HD Video, Shooting High Definition Photo, Recording Quality Audio and W ebcam function, Movable Disc Function, but also with Excellent Design, Good Quality. This Features w ill bring you a reasonble using, especialy for Reporter, Emergency Recording, Action Camera, Home Security, Tourist Recording etc. 2, Construction. Item Parameters Video Form AVI Vide o Code H-JPEG Video Resolution 1920*1080P Im age Definition 12.0 Mega pixel (4032*3024) Software Operating sys tem or Mainstream media player software Image Form JPG Support System Windows me/2000/xp/2003/vista; Mac os 10.4; Linux; Charge Voltage DC-5V Data Transfe r Inte rface MINI 5 Pin USB Battery High Cap acity Li-ion Polymer Battery 6, Notice • Please do not use this product in ileagle place • About Battery: Please char ge it befor e using if you put it a side fo r lo ng time. • Because this product is not the professional storage equipmen t, please copy files to other professional storage equipment.
• Video or photo quality:It is not a professional camera, so the quality can not reach the professional camera standard. • Working Tempreture:0~40°C. • Illumination: Please be sure the enough light, but not fa ce the strong light face to face, • Clearance:Please do not use it in very dirty place.
But we at devour additionally regard this as a safe and necessary base for staying future-oriented and continuous in regards to the progress of our software products. Eat designscope victor software cracks.
Use the links on this page to download the latest version of USB Camera drivers. All drivers available for download have been scanned by antivirus program. Aug 22, 2018 - ehe PenCam. The most popular version of this product among our users is 1.0. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers.
• Please do not shake it hardly. • Please do not use it in the strong m agne tic place • Please do not use it i n the strong electric place • Other:for further information, please contact local resellers.
Learn more • • • • • • The Plugable USB2-Micro-200X USB microscope provides up to 50X magnification optically and up to 200x and can be used on computers running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux simply by plugging it into a spare USB 2.0 port and it requires no external power. It operates like a standard webcam and can be used with the default webcam software included in your computer’s operating system. Setup and Drivers Since our microscope uses a standard webcam chipset, it will automatically install default webcam drivers when plugged in to a computer. It can be used with any webcam app, like the camera app built in to Windows 8.1, Photo Booth in OSX, or a third party program like VLC media player. We also have custom Windows and OSX software designed specifically to work with the microscope. The download for this can be found below: Windows: Mac OSX: Raspberry Pi running Raspbian: ***NOTE: Working with the current version of Raspian Jessie*** We have tested our Microscope with Linux using by using the following terminal commands: “sudo apt-get install guvcview” “guvcview” Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do I zoom in on an object? A: The level of magnification is controlled by the silver focus wheel, then the microscope or the object must be moved to the appropriate distance in order to be in focus.
Q: I can’t get my microscope to zoom past ~30x indicated magnification, how do i get to 200x? A: At the closest distance with the clear shield touching the object, there are two possible magnifications. The first is at around 30x indicated, but if you continue to rotate the focus wheel, the image will get blurry, then sharp again at around 200x indicated! Q: How do I dim the LED lights? A: The LED lights can be dimmed or turned off by rotating the black LED light control wheel near the rear of the microscope. If you are having problems with glare, try viewing your intended object at an angle. Q: I see a “device not detected” message in MicroCapture when it’s clearly connected.

A: You may have to disconnect and reconnect the microscope when restarting MicroCapture, and it can take up to 30 seconds for MicroCapture to detect the microscope. It’s also possible that the microscope isn’t running under it’s specialized driver that MicroCapture requires in order to see the microscope. If none of this helps, please contact us at and we can help troubleshoot the issue.