Ejma Bellows Software Suite

Vinkarr Technologies Pvt Ltd., Customized ERP Solutions For Engineering Industries and Trading Mobile Applications, Online MLM Binary Solutions, CAD Automations Consultancy Services, Web Design Hosting and Maintenance Services. Bellows Design Metal Bellows Design Software Solutions (MBDSS) Version - 9.0 EJMA and ASME Standards Our product the METAL BELLOWS DESIGNS is only of its kind in the global market which has been specially developed to cater to the design analysis of the expandable metal bellows / joints design. This software has been developed as a standard / customized package complying with the standards of both EJMA Ninth Edition and ASME.
Kwick IT Services Expansion Bellows Design Software. This software updated with latest EJMA 2009 edition. Erp Software Packages in Vadodara. The software has been submitted by its publisher directly, not obtained from any Peer to Peer file sharing applications such as Shareaza, Limewire, Kazaa, Imesh, BearShare, Overnet, Morpheus, eDonkey, eMule, Ares, BitTorrent Azureus etc.
The design offers excellent flexibility in terms of selecting the material and calculating design data for the metal bellows. The Unique Features Of The Application Every material Property is integrated with this package. It is easily adaptable to the various raw material properties based needs of the users. Selection of Materials vis-a-vis to working temperature and design pressure is computed by using the Material property values which is retrieved from the material Property tables. User friendly unit conversion facility which can be adapted based on the raw material which is intended for.
(In Psi/ Bar, Kg/Sq.Cm and Mpa ) is available. EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturer Association) latest standard 9th edition and ASME.
Design calculation for four type’s expansion Metal bellows like un-reinforced, reinforced, rectangular and toroidal. Based on customer requirement, Design calculation can be made as per EJMA standard and ASME. User friendly alert Messages at various Stage. Movements, Stress Conditions, Cycle Life, Creep Range Flexibility in changing the Mechanical Properties Table values for any Materials during Design calculations. High level security.
Any change in Ejma standard can be incorporated. All formula with input data and detailed calculations provided to evaluate for all calculations manually. Final Calculations results both EJMA and ASME Standards. Modules Reinforced (Single / Dual) Unreinforced (Single / Dual) Rectangular (U / V Profile, Single / Dual) Toroidal (Single / Dual). Optional Units ( Psi / Bar Or Kg Per Sq.Cm and Mpa ) Table Values ( Edit or View ) This ensures your customized solution based on EJMA and ASME All of the formula calculation and values are based on EJMA Latest version 9th Edition and ASME. The input & output values are perfectly cross checked with the Bench mark calculations.
Basic Inputs ♦ Nominal Bore NB ♦ Inner Diameter of the Bellow ID ♦ Thickness of Material t ♦ Convolution Height W ♦ Convolution Pitch q ♦ No. Of Plies n ♦ No.
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(i.e., what% of quotes convert into orders). Selection software for Expansion Joints Configurator Solutions makes selection & configuration software for manufacturers of Expansion Joints. Broad features are: • Models are selected based on axial, angular, lateral movement calculated or entered by user.
• Forces and moments acting on anchors can be calculated based on model selected. • Stress induced in bellows, fatigue life & theoretical spring rate can be calculated. • Selection of material based on type of fluid, temperature & pressure is possible. All calculations are based on EJMA standard. Let’s take a look at the features & functionality provided. User inputs precise accepts the following inputs from the user: Fluid Data Section This section allows a user to select the Fluid, Flow Rate, Max Operating Pressure, Min & Max Operating Temperature & Pipe Size.
Movement Section This section allows a user to specify one or more movements. • Axial – The user is able to select Axial movement. The cumulative total of Compression & Extension will be considered for Axial movement. • Compression – the user is allowed to enter value if known or else will be allowed to calculate. • Extension – the user is allowed to enter value if known or else will be allowed to calculate. • Lateral – User is able to select & enter data for Lateral movement.