Nscp 2015 Pdf
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60 Research Drive, Bible Hill, Nova Scotia B6L 2R2 Phone: 902-893-7455 Fax: 902-893-7063 NSCP 2015 Registration Form and 2014 Verification of Levies Paid Farm Name: Contact: NSCP #: Civic Address: Town: Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Email: I marketed the following beef animals between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 and need to remit levy to the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers Date Sold To No. Of Beef Total Levy ( # x$3.00) NOTE: Make cheques payable to Nova Scotia Cattle Producers; use and attach an additional piece of paper if required to complete your list. (a) Subtotal (b) HST (A x 15%) (c) Total (a + b) I marketed the following beef animals between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 for which the levy has already been remitted. Date Sold To No. Of Beef I, ____________________, hereby consent to the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers collecting information, in accordance to Section 4 of the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers Regulations from the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency. Furthermore, I hereby consent to the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency disclosing information, in accordance with Section 4 of the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers Regulations to the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers and such consent shall apply to disclosure of the information and information relating to my use of cattle tags under the Radio Frequency Tag system (RFID) and information from the Canadian Livestock Tracking System (CLTS). (Print name) (Signature) (Date).
NSCP 2015 Legislative Bill Tracking Bill # Sponsor Assembly AB70 Committee on Taxation Description Provides for the administration and enforcement of excise taxes on medical marijuana. Notes Status Taxation on medical marijuana; authorizes use of independent contractors at multiple med. Marijuana facilities. Signed by Governor. Effective July 1, 2015. Signed by Governor Assembly Revises provisions governing the sale of electronic cigarettes and Signed Taxation (On AB83 Revises provisions relating to tobacco. Licensure of machinery used to manufacture cigarettes.
Signed by by Behalf of Attorney Governor. Effective June 9, 2015. Governor General) Assembly Commerce (On AB89 Behalf of the Governor) License reciprocity; authorizes private policy of veterans Makes various changes to provisions preference; reporting of data on hiring. Signed by Governor. Relating to certain professions. Effective July 1, 2015. Assemblywoman Revises provisions relating to the AB93 BenitezThompson continuing education required to renew certain licenses.
AB156 Assemblyman Thompson Revises provisions governing family resource centers. Assemblyman Edwards, Creates the Women Veterans AB241 Armstrong, Kirner, Advisory Committee. Ellison, Anderson Page 1 Signed by Governor Mandates continuing eductation in suicide prevention and Signed awareness as condition of receiving license or certificate. 1s buhgalteriya 83 torrent 2015.
Effective by July 1, 2016, continuing education requirement sunsets in 10 Governor years. Passed Assembly 41-0, 1 excused. Senate vote: 21-0.

Signed by Governor. Effective July 1, 2015. Final version requires family Signed resource center to solicit input from elected officials representing by area in which they are located in plan for the center, regulations Governor thereon and grant applications to state. Requires case managers to track and report on status of families receiving services.
Bill changed from creating a general Advisory Military and Veterans Research Committee to focusing on issues faced by Signed women veterans in the state. Signed by the Governor. By Appointments by Governor to the Council must be made by July 1, Governor 2015. All other sections of bill effective October 1, 2015.
Last Updated: NSCP 2015 Legislative Bill Tracking Assemblyman AB243 Thompson Revises provisions relating to testing for the human immunodeficiency virus. Assemblyman AB289 Araujo Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an Proposes committee to study regionalization of mental health interim study concerning issues services. Related to the provision of mental health services. Bill # Sponsor Description Signed by Governor Signed by Governor.