Qt Platform Plugin Windows

This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows'. It worked fine, problem came up, I reinstalled, same problem again after a restart and redone the reinstalled and getting same problem again.
Yea, qwindows.dll is in: X: Battle.net Battle.net.7113 platforms I have been through every folder with everything unhidden in Windows folder properties and the only hidden files are: X: Battle.net.patch.result X: Battle.net.product.db I had never even heard of 'Qt' before this started. Zadachi s otvetami po geometrii 7 klass 5. There is nothing in my Add/Remove Programs that has 'Qt' in it.
Hello IainB, Would it be possible for you to gather and send us a copy of your Battle.net Logs by following the instructions on this page:? It will help us to better understand the cause of the issue. This may not result in an immediate fix for your individual issue, but it will go directly towards getting this sort of issue fixed in general.
That being said, if we can find anything in your logs that will help us to better troubleshoot your issue, we will do so. Additionally, we would also like to to aid in troubleshooting and debugging this issue. You can email those as a zip archive along with the dxdiag to this address: toolsupport@blizzard.com Use this line for the subject: [IainB] ['Qt platform plugin: windows 'Unable to launch Battle.net or any Blizzard games] [9] Thanks! Hey IainB, I'm sorry that you're having this issue. I just took a look at the logs, unfortunately there isn't any clear indication as to what is wrong, and the application seems properly installed.

It might be that something else is interfering. If you run the application from the default installation path (c: program files (x86) battle.net) does it work? Also, the following steps will enable more verbose logging which may help in determining the cause of this problem. Open Notepad. Copy/Paste the following: [Rules] qt.*=true 3. Save this file as qtlogging.ini (make sure Save as File Type: is set to All *.*) 4.
Place the file in your Battle.net build (By default: C: Program files (x86) Battle.net Battle.net.xxxx QtProject where xxxx is the highest number). Create a shortcut to Battle.net by right clicking on Battle.net.exe and selecting 'Create Shortcut' 6. Right click on the new shortcut 'Battle.net Shortcut' and select 'properties' 7. In the properties window, add the following to the end of the 'Target' box after the final quotation mark: -platform windows:verbose=3 The result should look like this (by default): 'C: program files (x86) battle.net Battle.net.7113 Battle.net.exe' -platform windows:verbose=3 8. Click OK Once you do this, run the app again to receive then error, and then submit logs again per the original instructions from Exeliran.