Chastushki Belomorkanal Torrent

Chastushki Belomorkanal Torrent Average ratng: 9,6/10 2956 votes

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過去ログ [49872] qCSopQGSOeNxJslw 投稿者: 投稿日:2012/02/15(Wed) 20:59 eoib Skachat' pesni svetlani lobodi za chto, ukoo Skachat' muziku anastasiya zadorojnaya zajigay, oatl Space mp3 skachat' arhiv, kaee Minus pesni mama kochetkova skachat', oiul Skachat' pesnyu dusha irini krug, kokt Skachat' melodiyu pesni smuglyanka na komp'yuter, boou Skachat' mp3 bumer na telefon, boki Derjavin katya katerina skachat' muziku, btpb Newtone ex. Listening test for elementary.


Dxcplexe 32 bit Performer: Piatnitsky Choir Comic ditties; Russian folk song. Digitized from a shellac record, at 78 revolutions per minute. Four stylii were used to transfer this record.They are 3.5 mil truncated eliptical, 2.3 mil truncated conical, 2.8 mil truncated conical, 3.3 mil truncated conical. These were recorded flat and then also equalized with Turnover: 400.0, Rolloff: -18.0. The preferred version suggested by an audio engineer at George Blood, L.P. Is the equalized version recorded with the 2.8 mil truncated conical stylus, and has been copied to have the more friendly filename. Matrix number: 1010-B Catalog number: 1010-B Other IDs from the record include: (1010-B) Notes The recording on the other side of this disc.