L2 Stereo Vst

Product Details: - Peak limiter / level maximizer plugin - IDR™ Increased Digital Resolution with double precision bit re-quantization and dither with 9th-order noise shaping filter - Manual and ARC™ Automatic Release Control L2 Ultramaximizer (V9) - Supported Platforms Supported Platforms *Most Audio Hosts MultiRack Native MultiRack SoundGrid StudioRack Native StudioRack SoundGrid eMotion ST Mixer eMotion LV1 Mixer Avid VENUE Plug-in ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ L2 Ultramaximizer (V9) - Sample Rate All Waves plugins support 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz; most support higher sample rates. Avid VENUE supports up to 48 kHz. Sample Rate NATIVE/SOUNDGRID Plug-in 192 kHz L2 Ultramaximizer (V9) - Channel Components Channel Components Mono Stereo Mono-to-Stereo Surround / Comments Plug-in ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖ L2 Ultramaximizer (V9) - Latency The table below indicates how much latency is produced by each plugin, in samples. Not all plugins support all platforms (MultiRack, StudioRack, eMotion, Venue). Check the Supported Platforms table for more info. Latency NATIVE / SOUNDGRID VENUE kHz 44.1kHz-48kHz 88.2kHz-96kHz 176.4kHz-192kHz 44.1kHz-48kHz 88.2kHz-96kHz 176.4kHz-192kHz Plug-in 64 128 256 67 131 259 System Requirements: Mac: CPU - Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7 / Xeon RAM - 4 GB Operating System - 10.9.5 - 10.11 Screen Resolution - Minimum: 1024x768 - Recommended: 1280x1024 / 1600x1024 - USB displays are not supported as the primary display.
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The oven control can be accessed and replaced from the rear of the control panel. If its an F2 ERROR CODE, The F2 error indicates an open circuit in the oven temperature probe. NOTE:Disconnect the power cord from the power source before removing the panel from behind the console.
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