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Mar 14, 2018 Optovate Ltd., the Micro LED optical specialist, announces that it has realized a Micro LED technology that enables multiple Micro LEDs transferred in parallel from a wafer to a substrate to be aligned in one step with a precision optical array. The technology is the subject of a portfolio of 20.
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• INTEGRAL ICEMAKER K20 – K40 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND INSTALLATION. • K20 – K40 ICEMAKER INSTRUCTIONS Environmental Hints Packing Do not throw the packing into the garbage: first sort out the different materials (i.e.: steel, cardboard, polystyrene) following local regulations. Conformity declaration This appliance incorporates parts intended to come into contact with foodstuffs in compliance with EEC directive 89/109/CEE. • ELECTRICAL INFORMATION “WARNING – THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED” (For Great Britain Only) Fuse Replacement. If the mains lead of this appliance is fitted with a BS 1363A 13 amp fused plug, to change a fuse in this type of plug use an A.S.T.A. Approved fuse to BS 1362 type and proceed as follows: 1. • CONTROLS Fig.
2: A) Water drain connection Fig. 6: A) Grid fuse B) Ice-cubes level thermostat C) Ice-cubes thickness thermostat D) Water inlet connection Fig. 10: A) On/Off switch (green) B) Wash switch (blue) OPERATION Ice maker operation is completely automatic.
Anjeunna geus bajoang dina pergerakan nasional ngaliwatan lembaga resmi pamarentahan Walanda nu disebut Volksraad. Anjeunna meunang jujuluk ‘Si Jalak Harupat” sabab kateuneungna dina ngabela bebeneran. Pa OTO ISKANDAR lahir dina tanggal 31 Maret 1897, di Bojongsoang, Bandung, jawa barat.

Ice is formed by progressive refrigeration of a film of water which flows on a refrigerated inclined plate (Fig.4). • ADJUSTING THE ICE CUBES LEVEL The thermostat is pre-set at the factory.
However, if the ambient temperature is higher than +32 ºC it is necessary to adjust the thermostat knob position ☼, if the ambient temperature is lower than +16 ºC, it will be necessary to adjust the thermostat knob to position (Fig.7). • SERVICE If the ice maker does not work properly or does not work at all, before calling for service, carry out the following checks (which are also listed on the sticker at the back of the appliance Fig.2). This is very important as travel expenses and labour costs will be charged to you if your call turns out to be unjustified. • REPLACEMENT OF THE SUPPLY CORD If the replacement if the supply cord is required, please buy a similar supply cord by one of our service centres. How to operate: 1) Disconnect the supply cord from the mains supply.
2) Remove the top. Unscrew the two rear screws and slide the top frontward’s to disengage it from the front seats.