Objectdock Stack Docklets
Like ObjectDock, RocketDock also supports docklets, which are small applications that run within the dock. There are a lot of docklets available, but one that I have found to be very useful is called Stacks Docklet, which allows you to access files and shortcuts to programs and applications within folders docked to RocketDock.
Where to get it: Please consider getting instead. Latest version: (version You can also download the full version with support for special folders, at your own risk: (not recommended) hxxp://www.matiasmoreno.com.ar/StackDocklet-preview.zip (replace hxxp with http) Older, more stable version: (old version, mostly stable, no support for special folders) Note to Object Dock users with tabbed docks: Please read this post as suggested by Panta: Note to Vista users: You have to disable UAC for RocketDock. If you don't do that, Stack Docklet will fail to save settings. I'll cite eriku who in turn cited another user.
Leerlaufprozess 2008-01-09 09:46:50 It doesn't save the setting due to Vista's UAC. Here's what you do: (I'm using a German Windows so my translation of the commands might not be completly right): Rightclick on you RocketDock Folder and choose 'properties'. Click on the 'security' tab and edit/change (the first button). In the upcomming dialog clikc on 'add' and in the enxt dialog click on the button in the lower left corner ('advanced' i guess?).
Then click on 'search now'. In the list of the results choose your normal user account name, the one u log in with. Then click on OK and again on OK.
Now just check 'allow' for the very first item in the list ('full access'?). Simply click OK two more times to accept the changes and it should work. Things it does: Shows a Fan or a Grid stack, a la Leopard. Options are be: Automatic, Fan, Grid. Compatibility: Requires Gdi+ (GdiPlus) (already included -AFAIK- in Windows XP SP 2, NT 2000 SP 4, Vista) I'm testing it on Rocket Dock, it should be compatible with Object Dock and Y'z Dock as I'm using Object Dock's Docklet SDK.
KKMenu: THIS IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR KKMENU. I 'll not may implement any some functionality of it at all, unless as it is a functionality of Mac OS X Stacks itself now (sometimes I think Apple employees visit this thread to find ways to make Stack Docklet's coding harder). Note: Mac OS X Leopard seems did put all the functionality KK Menu emulates, into. Yes, the stacks. X( History: (last edited 31-jan-2009, 18:12 GMT-03:00) • fixed problem when dock is in any but bottom edge (left, top, right dock positions). • fixed problem with opening wrong file on click.
• changed font to Tahoma 8px • fixed found by alabanco • added dock icon animation when clicking on stack item • stack now doesn't appear in task bar • added 'Open folder' (didn't want to name it 'Open in Finder'. But will be customizable later) • fixed problem with stack getting outside screen (the need-a-scrollbar will be fixed later) • fixed problem outside screen but in vertical docks, improved 48x48 on shell links, fixed VLC issue, added default dock icon. • added Automatic, Fan and Grid options. Fan only works for bottom side docks. Renamed Form2 to Finder.
• added Alt+Left click to open settings, for docks where Right click doesn't work. • icons now pop down in front of dock icon (before they popped down behind) • animations closer to Leopard ones.
Added sort by name, date of creation/last modification/last access, and kind. • did an addition-that-maybe-fixed-it for those with problems opening shortcuts. Also completely rewrote icon extraction code, test and enjoy • removed annoying icon flickering (most perceivable on slow machines) • added workaround for those dockbars not closing the stack when you click on desktop / other app. • fixed problem when a trailing slash was typed in folder setting. • now you can drop files to the stack dock icon (they will be moved to the stack's configured folder) • now shows preview icons for any image supported by GDI+, not just bmp, jpeg, gif and png (this may include.tiff,.ico and.wmf depending on your system, and maybe others). • the Fan mode can now be used in left/right/top side docks (it looks kinda strange) • fixed issue with 'Open folder' label customization in Fan mode.
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• fixed issue with folders with a trailing backslash in the settings. • fixed issue with icons in relative paths. • fixed issue launching apps/items in relative paths. • fixed issue with autohide by dock sides. • fixed line of code which *may* solve issues with docks at the right side of screen.
• updated sort by kind (now subsorts by name). • now in fan mode too-large names are abreviated (trim then add ellipsis). • more icons are shown in fan mode, on larger screens. • all the icons are shown in fan mode when they fit the screen (had a bug here). • new icons won't loose alpha channel.
• added arrow in grid view. • added an option to hide 'Open folder' in fan/grid. • added a subtle shadow to fan items. • added support for special folders (Control Panel, Drives, Nethood, etc.) • icons and text now zoom in fan mode during open/close of stack, it looks more Leopard now. • shows first three icons.